Retirement & Annuity Consulting

Business strategy, market intelligence, thought leadership and more. Providing subject matter expertise for both the individual and retirement plan markets.

Tamiko Toland has over two decades of experience in annuity market intelligence and thought leadership. She researched and reported on leading trends such as index-linked and in-plan annuities. Most recently, she held a cross-functional role within the product area of TIAA as Head of Lifetime Income Strategy and Market Intelligence.

Subject Matter Expertise

Annuity Product Strategy

Product success is an art that goes beyond actuarial science. An approach that incorporates institutional strengths and business needs alongside broader trends can help pave a clear path forward.

Individual Fixed & Variable Annuities

Knowledge is power. Leverage our comprehensive understanding of the evolution and current state of fixed and variable annuities, including index-linked annuities.

In-Plan Lifetime Income

The SECURE Act spurred a flurry of activity around lifetime income within retirement plans. We provide guidance for a range of stakeholders that seek to identify opportunities and create a strategy to excel in this growing space.

Consulting Solutions


Product Strategy

Develop a comprehensive strategy for a potential or existing product to fit a changing world.


Speaking Engagements

Bring a trusted independent voice to a wide range of audiences, covering everything from product and planning basics to in-depth industry intelligence.


Marketing Through Thought Leadership

Thought leadership can be foundation of an effective marketing strategy to a wide range of audiences.


In-Plan Lifetime Income Implementation Strategy

Customized support for plan fiduciaries who seek to better understand the landscape and consider incorporating lifetime income.


Focused Consultation

Access subject matter expertise to gain a better understanding of opportunities and challenges at a time of tremendous change.



A retainer arrangement secures ad hoc access or maintains ongoing support for an extended project.